our news


Nov 28, 2023
Lindsey Sanderson
News | Prayers

Recognising that a significant proportion of the Synod Transition Minister’s work is going to be with Morningside United Church, on Monday 27th November a Service of Introduction was held at Morningside for the Revd. Sarah Moore. Morningside is a Local Ecumenical Partnership with the Church of Scotland and so the service was co-led by the Moderator of Edinburgh and West Lothian Presbytery, Revd. Moira McDonald and the Synod Moderator, Revd. Paul Whittle.

Revd. David Scott, who had served as the Interim Moderator for the congregation reflected on the journey of the two disciples to Emmaus and the importance of really noticing and recognising what is before us.

In her role as Transition Minister Sarah will enable the congregation to continue their own journey of discerning the road ahead in relation to their congregational, ecumenical and community context.