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A Message for Eastertide from our Synod Moderator

Apr 18, 2017
News | Prayers

Kilnave Cross Islay


Matthew tells of the empty grave and the appearance of Jesus to the two Marys, who ran to tell the disciples, and so became the first witnesses to the Easter story. The news spread far and wide as people spoke of their own experience of the new life of Christ. Within a handful of centuries, the news reached the west coast of Scotland, one of the then known ends of the earth. This is evidenced today in numerous carved crosses scattered along the Atlantic edge, one such being the early medieval High Cross at Kilnave on Islay. Its sculptor being one of countless many who have used their gifts to witness to the rising of Jesus.We are inheritors of the role to witness to the Easter story, and like the Kilnave sculptor, we may never know how many hearts will be touched by our portrayal of the love of God and new life of Christ. May you know God’s joy and peace this Easter

David Pickering