synod aspirations

Synod Aspirations


We are an active Christian community which responds to the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of God through celebrating the Christian Story in ways that bring meaning and hope to life. We seek to support each other in faith and doubt through caring community.


Our INCLUSIVE worship reflects a broad variety of sources and styls. Local churches offer weekly worship, regular celebration of Holy Communion and mark the stages of life in Baptisms, Funerals and Weddings.


We believe that God’s RADICAL love is for everyone regardless of age, gender, sexuality, physical and mental ability, social status, ethicity. Young people are represented with full voting rights in our councils.


From its formation in 1972 the United Reformed Church has been committed to JOURNEY to ecumenism and is a member of the World Council of Churches, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and other ecumenical bodies.

other faiths and none

The Synod is a participant in the Scottish Interfaith Council. Many local Churches seek to build relationships with people of OTHER FAITHS AND NONE to nurture their local communities.

peace and justice

Our commitment to PEACE AND JUSTICE is strong and through the Commitment for Life programme is particularly expressed through Christian Aid, Jubilee Scotland and Global Justice Now. We are a Fair Trade Church and support the work of the Scottish Parliamentary Officer.


We believe we are called to live in balance with the whole of CREATION. Many local churches participate in the Eco Congregation scheme.


The Scottish United Reformed Church and Congregational College offers a dynamic programme for spiritual and faith DEVELOPMENT for anyone wishing to explore Christianity or particular callings in the life of the Church. URC YOUTH and PILOTS are growing youth organisations within the United Reformed Church offering opportunities for learning and friendship amongst youth and children